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History Of The Belgian Sheperd

The Full Story

jThe Belgian Malinois is a confident, intelligent working dog that takes pride in a job well done. Their strong protective instincts make Belgian Malinoises excellent guard dogs.


The Belgian Malinois hails from Malines, Belgium. The breed descended from local shepherd dogs and was first recognized in Belgium during the late 19th century.

The history of the Belgian Malinois goes back to the 1880s when these dogs (with German shepherds, French shepherds and Dutch shepherds) were called continental shepherd dogs. In 1891, the Belgian Shepherd Dog Club was formed, and a panel of judges determined that there was a congruous type of native shepherd dog that was a square, medium-sized dog with well-set triangular ears. These dogs differed only in the texture, colour and length of hair. In 1892, the first Belgian shepherd dog standard was written recognising three varieties: dogs with long coats, short coats and rough coats. 

Sheepdogs of this type date back in Belgium to the Middle Ages. Four varieties of the breed exist sharing the same physical attributes and alluded only by coat and colour - Groenendael: black and long coat; Tervueren: long coated and seen in red, fawn or grey, often with a black mask and overlay; Malinois: with a dense, short coat and with the same colourings as the Tervueren; Laekenois: a harsh wiry coat, red/fawn with some black shadings.

It was not until 1891, the first breed club was formed and Professor Adolphe Reul of the Belgian veterinary school examined 117 examples of the breed and classified the varieties which were named according to the area of Belgium where they originated. The Laekenois gained its name from the Château of Laeken – a royal residence of Queen Marie Henriette who favoured the variety.

Their physical attributes equip them to be excellent herding dogs: they are agile, fast and lightly built yet robust, but the breed has shown its versatility as a service dog, widely used by the police and armed forces. They have an appetite for work, being watchful, wary and highly intelligent.


Breed standard reference:

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